Saturday 17 October 2009

Here are some useful Norwich phrases and words:

Naarigde Yoonyun - Major Norfolk and Sri-Lankan employer
Thang Kyer - Spoken at high speed, used by Norfolk shop assistants when accepting money.
How're yer getting arn buh? - Norfolk greeting
Rup Bah - Variation on the above
Hair - Here
Shicagoo's - Nightspot on Prince of Wales Road, Norwich
Bare - Sold by the pint in Shicagoo's
Is that roight? - Comment to show that attention is being paid to the speaker
Ass a Jook - I'm just kidding
Khazi - Suburb on the western edge of Narridge
Tross - Suburb on the southside of Narridge
Windam - Small town south of Narridge (Sensible abbreviation of it's proper name : Wymundimunidundim)
Loose-tarfed - East coast fishing port
Card - Traditionally eaten with chips, might well have been caught off Loose-tarfed
KooDee - Discount shop at the top of St Stephens, Norwich
Hum Base - DIY store
Fooze - Electrical component on sale at Hum Base
Fool - Petrol or Diesel
Drive you steady bor - please drive with more care
Gu tehec buh - my, how surprising
Stoop ud - Term applied to very silly people
Gatoo - Sticky chocolate cake
Foo too or Fota - Get these developed at Boots
Sproight - Fizzy lemon drink
Boost - To Brag about ones achievements
Jargon - Like running, but at a more leisurely pace
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Morning
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Afternoon
Ar ya orrite, bor - Good Evening
Hay ya gittin arn tagether? - Hello
Yow siller owld fule - Comment made to someone displaying "backward" tendancies
How fer ar ya doin' bor? - How are you?
Loight arse - Lighthouse
Haysbra (Happisburgh) - Coastal village with a loight arse
Hunstan Hunstanton - Coastal village
Furriners - People who come from anywhere outside of Thetford
Thas a rumman - Not quite up to scratch
Blast Bor, yow git a ding-a-tha-lug - I'm going to hit you now
Fare t' middlin - I'm doing quite well
Bishy Barny Bee - A Ladybird
Thas a Bit on the Huh - That's a bit wonky/uneven
Traa'er - a farming vehicle
dicka - horse
ha' yer farver gorra dicka, bor? - does your father own a horse
cumbine airvista - an agricultural vehicle
carra rud - a place where narj people go to watch their football team lose
ur day - to day
wot yoo up to urday - what are you doing today
ouver hair / ouver ere - im over here
gunna - going to
Lully ole jarb (Lovely old job) = Excellent

H/T Tim D

1 comment:

jeeprat said...

You forgot Emmet ...ant