Saturday 17 October 2009

The Dance that Failed

Prosecutors and the FBI have announced that they have filed charges against several people involved with the Galleon Group hedge fund, including founder Raj Rajaratnam. Galleon is a major hedge hund player known for its investment in technology stocks. Most notably, the government is filing criminal charges related to insider trading in a number of securities going back to 2006. So this is much more than a standard SEC civil charge. Obama Donor Arrested for Insider Trading

Matthew Vadum: Is Al Gore Evil, or Just Wrong?

IBD: Selling China the Rope to Hang Us

James Taranto on Andrew Breitbart: Taking on the Democratic-Media Complex

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama's Theorems are Buggers (What would Thalia say?)

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football, and Me

More idealistic hijinx at Washington Rebel, where catawampus is parallel to pseudo-certainty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Raj Rajaratnam make a angry statement: Our Treasury is emptied and given to Wall Street....Bonus money flows like spilled champagne from an drunk elitist socialite.....and the "rabble masses" start to, we are thrown a "crumb" to pacify our anger....that is what this is all about. - watch more