Friday 16 October 2009

American Zombie Support for Obama Remains Strong

Republic of Virtue? 43% of American Electorate are "Functional Zombies"

A Republican Wave? I wouldn't bet on it. Most conservatives I know don't trust the Republican Party much more than Democrats. For most of us, it feels like an oligarchic elite is in control. I would say America is doing some serious soul-searching.

Jay Cost at Real Clear Politics narrows in on something I've been wondering about:

"In the last five years, I have noticed a peculiar phenomenon about the national party committees. Twice in a row the out-party's committee seems to have been "captured" by an ambitious politician who seems more interested in making a name for himself rather than doing the nitty-gritty, unglamorous work of laundering money. I think two factors help explain this." What's Happening to the RNC?

Tony Blankley: This is Nuts

Treat Yourself: Washington Rebel

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