Tuesday 13 October 2009

Actively destroying the dollar............from Rico

It was only days ago that TurboTax Timmy was leading the Greek chorus in the media singing that "the US was for a strong Dollar."

He lied. This is nothing new for the current administration which routinely says one thing yet means another, at least if you compare the 'words' with the 'actions.'

Gee, it's shocking isn't it..I mean to think that our Government would blatantly and wittingly LIE to our faces?
- I guess it was for our own good, or for the children, or something like that...whatever the Politburo or the DNC decided it was 'for' that day. So, all better now, right?

The Fed is actively destroying the dollar.
From Aug 21 to Aug 28, the US increased its position in IMF SDR's by 500%.
- This increased the value of the other currencies in the IMF SDR 'basket' (The Euro, the Japanese Yen, the Pound Sterling) and decreased the value of the US Dollar.

This was a direct dollar-adverse intervention intended to decrease the value of the dollar, and it explains why (a) the DXY has been on a downward slope since, and (b) why other Central Banks are running away from the dollar.

But WHY?
- This is a crystal clear message of the administration's/the government's forward intentions vis the dollar, the stock market, and USG bonds. The dollar has been thrown under the well-used administration's bus to save the bonds (they're needed to palm-off the US debt, which can then be paid-back with devalued dollars).

Now think about this:
All Americans just took a haircut on the value of their dollar earnings and holdings, and the barbering will continue until the sheeple are shorn clean.
- This is 'better' than an overt tax because it's hidden under the radar and no one is likely to figure out who needs to be strung up for this drive-by shooting of the dollar.

It makes me wonder "if" Larry Summers talks in his sleep at those meetings in the White House...excuse me Casa Rojas.

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