
Monday, 14 September 2009

Nice Chaps....


Capt.Craig said...

I can understand your confusion Theo but being a man of impeccable reconnaissance abilities I immediately noticed that the holster was empty.

LifeoftheMind said...

Her holster may be empty but looking at her I am reminded that mine isn't. Now if I found her rustling it is anyone's guess who would end up get caught.

ajdshootist said...

I notice though that her over the shoulder bolder holsters are anything but empty!

Kev said...

Not to quibble with my friends across the Pond, but, fellas, that girl ain't wearin' chaps - and is doin' a fine job of it. That there is a holster waitin' to be filled. So's the leather.
-Kv in the Desert Southwest

Capt.Craig said...

What I said Kev and it's pronounced schaps. I've worn out a few pairs over the years.