Thursday 3 September 2009



Unknown said...

Hope I'm not they only one that didn't get the joke. Whats "pommie"? Not a common word were I come from.

steveH said...

No such word.

It's "Pommie bastard".

Means a Brit to an Aussie.

Murray said...

Pommie is drevied from POME Prisoner of Mother England which was reputedly on the backs of convicts clothing when sent to Australia.

Pommie is Kiwi Aussie jargon for an English person. English NOT British, yes there is a difference. Onlu Americans smear four different nations with one label.

Its usually pronounced "pommy bastards". See WWI & WWII for details.

Anonymous said...

"Onlu Americans smear four different nations with one label."

Not much more difference between those "four different nations" than there are between our own creol, cajun, southron and northerner. But y'all dont have any problem tagging em all as "yanks", even though yankee is a hated moniker by much of em.

Oh, and if you pay attention (meaning pull your head out of your tail pipe and crack the carbon cake off your sensor package) you might find that nearly everyone identifies everyone from the British Isles as Brits when speaking casually.

So, in short, please feel free to take your "only Americans" smear crap, wrap it up in something sharp and jagged and jam it up in yourself until you bleed out (metaphorically speaking, of course).

I mean that in the most friendlies, niceness, gentlest, hands across the ocean in friendship sort of way :)