
Monday, 8 June 2009

D Day Remembrance in small town Ontario....

H/T Pete H


Minicapt said...

First Hussars??


LifeoftheMind said...

The schoolchildren should have been lining the street.

jeeprat said...

You are both right. I only came across the parade by accident, no publicity; no advance notice .Our government likes to project the Canadian military as peace keepers. They would like to forget about Ist and 2nd world wars. They don’t fit the historical rewrite that the liberal government would like us to believe…..

Paul Wornham said...

That's London, Ontario.

The pictures don't show the crowd, it was well attended.

Joe Texan said...

If they do that every year, I'd like to be there for the one in 2010. So many people, especially my fellow U.S. citizens, don't know the contributions of Canada's military during WWII. When I think of Canada and WWII, my immediate thoughts are of Dieppe, Normandy, and all those tin cans escorting convoys in the North Atlantic.