Sunday 17 May 2009

The Sunday Best....

The Queen tells Brown of grave concern over MPs' expenses. Off with his head.

Michael Martin to quit, but not until after next Election to install son in 'hereditary' seat and claim £100,000 golden parachute. Chuck him out without a parachute.

Mystery over £100k Downing Street law chief suspended in disciplinary inquiry. Anyone in Downing Street not a crook?

March of the terminators: Robot warriors are no longer sci-fi but reality. So what happens when they turn their guns on us?. Things get interesting.

My Lancaster bomber was shot down in flames... and I landed in the arms of Madame Mazonga. Lucky sod!

Obama to warn Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu: 'No more blank cheques'. Just who's side is he on?

MPs' expenses: 20 most bizarre claims. Bloody cheek.

Boy Scouts train for badge in anti-terrorism. Taking 'Be Prepared' to a whole new level.

Michael Martin ‘waged reign of terror’ over expenses. If he is not out by the end of the week it will only damage parliament more.

Up and away - RAF hero soars clear of death. Brave chap.

Fears of mass suicide as Tamil Tigers face final defeat. This could be messy.

Pakistan to attack Taliban in Bin Laden’s lair. About time.

10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger. No surprises here.

Troy's celebrated solar house left in dark. Hee hee.

the Clarkypoos bit.....

Okay, you’ve got me bang to rights – I’m a secret green.

Honda Insight 1.3 IMA SE Hybrid.

and little Jimmy May

Plasticine Porsche parade.

and Happy Birthday to Margo's Maid which is 1 today.

"The Facts of Life are Conservative" by Washington Rebel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hazel Blears, isn't she out of control?

Oops, sorry, you didn't mention her Theo!