Sunday 17 May 2009

Pansies and shrinking violets.......from Rico

Otto von Bismarck has to be laughing his teutonic ass off about now. Sure wish I could laugh at this.

The metrosexual Marxist-in-chief and his feckless team of pansies and shrinking violets are simply not up to the task...unless that task is to turn the nation formerly-known as the USA into a mirror-image of that Marxist success story Zimbabwe.

The distinctly masculine flavor of the former USA has been replaced by a female, dainty, tea room atmosphere.

We have the likes of Bawney Fwank and Harry Pelosi (and fellow assholes) when we seriously need another Teddy Roosevelt.

I'm going to the nearest bar, smoking a cigar, and drinking a nice single malt.

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