Tuesday 5 May 2009


Foreign stand-in GP leaves two patients dead... but will escape British justice despite admitting manslaughter. Universal healthcare in action.

Now the EU slams Alistair Darling's rapid economic recovery forecast. Darling is the second worst chancellor in history after Brown.

The new male contraceptive jab that is nearly 100% effective. Apart from the needle bit. Actually if christians don't start breeding like rabbits we will be lucky to survive the century.

Licence to let will hit all private landlords. More private sector regulation. Slumlords should have their property confiscated. Good landlords should be left in peace.

Unknown soldiers from Battle of Fromelles to be identified. Let's hope they manage to identify them all.

Pakistan troops clash with Taleban as Swat Valley truce breaks down. Which idiot thought a truce with the Taleban would work.

Iraq security at risk in crackdown on militias who fought al-Qaeda. Obama's 'cut and run' is going to backfire big time.

Barack Obama cracks down on tax havens and loopholes in bid to net $210bn. Is there anyone he has no pissed off?

French excel at eating and sleeping, survey finds. They have to excel at something.

Economic downturn 'twice as bad as feared'. The Euro will be lucky to survive.

US 'concerned Taliban will snatch Pakistan's nuclear weapons'. No s**t.

Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. And it's not in the Red Shed.

and finally.....

Tea Party Patriots have plans for July 4th.

Stem Cell Moment of Truth. (H/T JMH)

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