
Friday, 6 March 2009

A picture speaks a thousand words.....


deMontjoie said...

Gawd! I have little use for PM Gordon Brown, but I have much less use for a classless buffoon who lacks the ability to reciprocate a well-thought-out gift:

Apologies from the colonies.

Cargosquid said...

While Gordon got the gift that HE deserves, I apologize that the USA has such a classless President. The Leader of Great Britain, even Gordon Brown, deserves more respect. Pleas feel free to return the gift by throwing it over the White House fence. I understand that Sen. Kerry started that custom....

LifeoftheMind said...

Brown - "God, maybe I should have gotten a job."

Obama - "I like myself, I think I'm grand, I go to the movies and I hold my hand."

Unknown said...

Brown - "Oh Barack .......I could so easily show you a bit of quantitave easing."

Cargosquid said...

Obama: Blah, blah, blah, I love me...
Brown: If I had only been born black, I'd be popular....

mawm said...

Brown - 'Is he really this dumb'.

Obama - 'He's creepy'!