
Monday, 9 March 2009

He photographs Rico.

The most scathing remark I ever heard about someone was that "at least he photographs well."

I would now apply this to "The One" ...the man I refer to as ObaMarx...who has smitten 52% of the electorate with his man-prettiness. If HE does nothing else well, at least he photographs well.

I understand that anyone who dares 'call out' His Celestial Marxist greatness or any of his minions on their lies, incompetence, and malfeasance is merely a racist KKK member and a very poor specimen of what a good Communist Comrade ought to be...but so be it. I consider NOT being a good Communist a compliment.

Let me also echo Warren Buffet's comments today by paraphrising them. Life as we knew it has fallen off a cliff.

World trade and world economies are collapsing faster than policy-makers are reactiong...and they are NOT reacting with the right decisions, thus making it worse than it needs to be. STIMULATING GOVERNMENT and not the ECONOMY means an extended period of pain for us all.

With due apologies to "Old Billy" (whose works I greatly admire), Harry Pelosi and Nancy Reid and wanton "earmark spending" a.k.a. "PORK" are not doing anyone any good....except for our elected tormenters, that is.
- By any measure the Auto, Housing and Finance industries are already in a depression. The rest of us come next, thanks to their 'political' machinations. Hey! As long as they get to remain "in charge" they could care less if we eat sawdust or cake. Taking care of "number one" is the entire point here, followed closely by a 'fair' Communist Collectivist utopia...paraphrasing the late great Frank Zappa: "They just take care of number one, and number one ain't you. You ain't even number two...or even number three."

Some (like the famed Jim Cramer) are projecting a worst-case scenario of a Dow 5300, while some on Wall Street are talking 4000 privately (we're in the mid-600's now).

1 comment:

6gsjs5s4 said...

I'll be 61 in 2012, I've got no kids, no grandkids to saddle with debt - so if His Prettiness keeps adding benies for the likes 'o me, I'll be voting for him big time! Yee haw!