Sunday 8 February 2009

The Sunday Best....

Expenses row: 'Lodger' deal earns Jacqui Smith £100,000 as she claims sister's house is main home. Thieving bitch.

Troubled RBS wants to pay staff £1bn bonus after taxpayers' £20bn bail-out. No way.

Death threats made to Carol Thatcher over 'golliwog' row, her agent claims. The BBC are being assholes, as usual.

President Blair: Former PM set to become EU chief as Sarkozy battles to win him the post. That should guarantee our leaving the EU.

MoD accused of wasting money after producing 33-page guide on dealing with transsexuals in the Armed Forces. Is there a single brain cell in the MoD?

The SS Grit Britain is on its way: Tons of road salt shipped here as more heavy snow is predicted. Six inches is not heavy snow.

Sleaze, spin and how the Obamas are already turning into Tony and Cherie Blair. As predicted. No wonder Blair met Obama first they are cut from the same sleazy cloth.

Snow surrender - I saw no roaming polar bears or ravening timber wolves, just the final proof that our nation is now as soft as slush. Couldn't agree more.

Britain under attack from 20 foreign spy agencies including France and Germany. And the Home Office is too incompetent to stop them.

British teenagers have lower IQs than their counterparts did 30 years ago. The correct phrase is 'thick as s**t'.

CIA warns Barack Obama that British terrorists are the biggest threat to the US. And an even bigger threat to us.

Joe Biden tells Munich conference: 'US will talk to Iran and ally with Russia against terror'. Clueless klutz.

French fighter planes grounded by computer virus. Atchooo....

Bankers 'used corporate credit cards to pay for prostitutes'. Why is this no surprise.

Barack Obama endures most difficult week since taking office. And it was only week 3.

Gordon Brown's been shamed and scorned - and upstaged by Tony Blair. He is finished. How much longer will he hang about wrecking Britain.

The BBC just carries on giving offence. The TV licence will be gone soon. They can no longer justify it.

Spy centre will track you on holiday. People can still afford holidays!!

Obama puts brake on Afghan surge. That is because he wants to cut back the military. He cannot do it and increase troop numbers in Afghanistan. Troops are still needed in Iraq for a while.

Netanyahu stokes fears to take poll lead. Israel needs to stay strong.

Researchers Develop "Brain-Controlled" Wheelchair Robotic Arm. Let's have robotic mice for us bloggers.

the Clarkypoos bit......

BMW 730d SE.

Little Jimmy May.....

So who is The Stig?

and the Hamster.

No one can afford to buy a real car now: Richard Hammond alive and kicking

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