
Sunday, 15 February 2009

Economic Editorial .....from Rico.

In the movie "Casino" DeNiro's character says at one point: "You can either have the Money and the Hammer, or you can walk out of here."

We did NOT get the option. No chance to walk away from this steaming piece of legislation (a.k.a. "Porkulus"). We ALL lost a lotta money.
- Now you KNOW what the Democrats really 'think' of us...the TAXPAYERS. The TAXSPENDERS just gave us the HAMMER!

The largest spending bill in all of American history was just passed by Congress UNREAD! They didn't get to read it like the lobbyists did, but hey...we the public didn't get a chance to read it either.
- I'm still waiting to see the results of LBJ's "War on Poverty" myself...I wonder how well that one is going?


Of course NONE of these economic geniuses cleverly disguised as career politicians, NOR their lackeys in the media (a.k.a. The Ministry of Truth) are making any effort at all to inform us that THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS BANKRUPT! Guess they're too busy celebrating the passage of Porkulus.

By the USG not using GAAP (generally accepted accounting procedures) they are managing to "hide" from the public the fact that:
- Federal obligations of $65.5 trillion exceeds the World's GDP and is FOUR TIMES the size of the US GDP.
- Over and above this, the USG has a NEGATIVE NET WORTH of another $59.3 trillion.

The Gooberment is truly bankrupt.

There is NO magic "re-fi" for this. The sheer magnitude of USG DEBT is now beyond ANY hope of containment. Period.
- We will have to print more money to stall the inevitable and 'buy' some time...but some REAL DAMAGE has been done to us.

People have gone to prison (Enron) and wars have been started over less than this.....................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, lets see if we can put this into terms I can better understand.

US Gov rev (taxes) about 15% of US GDP.

US GDP is 16.375 tr
US gov rev is 2.45 tr

So US Gov has debt (obligations) at 26.7 times current income (taxes)

Lets say average American makes 50K per year, using the same debt loads, they should be carrying 1.33 Million in debt. I know I have about 150K in debt (house) and my income is above 50K, I find it oppressive.