Wednesday 1 October 2008


How 5,000 career crooks always escape a jail sentence when they reoffend. Time to introduce three strikes and you hang.

Sky brought to earth: Victory for viewers as satellite giant is told to cut charges to rivals. About time too. Sky has been to expensive for ages.

Afghans use Saudi Arabia to broker peace with Taliban. That's really going to work. The Saudis are no more trustworthy than the Taleban.

Tony Blair will be as celebrated as Winston Churchill, claims Cherie. Deluded bitch.

Militiamen praised for peace seek new military paymasters. Put them on the payroll and send them to take on the Taleban.

Sarah Palin struggles in unwelcome spotlight on eve of TV showdown. The media are out to get her as she poses a serious threat to their beloved Obama. She will do fine.

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