Thursday 18 September 2008

Rumour of the Day....

From excellent sources within the DNC:
On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2.

It looks like this obama strategy will be a go. therefore, it seems that the best strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in detail, and thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is.

Excerpt from R.Giuliani's speech at the 2008 RNC:

"Obama — Obama promised to take public financing for his campaign, until he broke his promise.
Obama — Obama was against wiretapping before he voted for it.
When speaking to a pro-Israeli group, Obama favored an undivided Jerusalem , like I favor and like John McCain favored. Well, he favored an undivided Jerusalem — don’t get too excited — for one day, until he changed his mind.
Well, I’ll tell you, if I were Joe Biden, I’d want to get that V.P. thing in writing."

H/T Shelly

1 comment:

Zundfolge said...

Do you have a source for this other than "excellent sources with the DNC"?