Thursday 18 September 2008

Quick News....

Winter to bring 'avalanche of job losses' as unemployment hits highest level for a decade. Labour isn't fit to Govern and never has been.

HBOS - Lloyds TSB: Biggest rescue deal in British banking history. The bigger they are the harder they will fall. Eggs in basket spring to mind.

Russia threatens to seize swathe of Arctic. It looks like Russia is intent on seeing how far they can push the West.

Australian bar offers free drinks to knicker-less women. This idea has potential.


Electro-Kevin said...

A country with women prepared to get their knickers of for a free drink is in trouble.

Not clever.

mawm said...

No e-k - a country that is not prepared to do un-PC things is in trouble....gotta hurry as I have an interview for a job as a doorman.