
Wednesday, 24 September 2008


FBI hunt for Sarah Palin email hacker. Flog the little bastard.

British networks reject jihad comedy. Why? Instead we shall repost this little gem.

Pensions 'apartheid' grows: The number of public workers with a gold-plated fund is double that of the private sector. All public sector pay and pensions should be perfomance related.

George Bush attacks Iran and Syria in final United Nations speech. Jaw jaw not War War. Yet!

Syrian army exercises on Lebanese border. Another bunch who think they can muck about during the US election campaign.

Homecoming fusiliers bash through the Square Mile. Good lads.

Large Hadron Collider must hibernate after wrong sort of big bang. That went well.


Lola said...

re public sector penions - not performance related. Dear God, can you imagine the bureaucratic scams that would create. Nope just make them money purchase like everyone else.

Murray said...

If that jihadi had been in my platoon he never would have gotten the chance of being shot by the enemy.

I would have toasted his gay prancing ass myself.

Lots of nice hard stones on the ground there Abdul, THROW yourself on them princess!!!!