Tuesday 30 September 2008

Great News...

Gurkhas win High Court battle to stay in the UK. The fact that they had to go to court is a national disgrace. Too bad those responsible for treating these brave and loyal men like shit will go unpunished. they do not deserve to keep their pathetic little jobs.

H/Ts Me & Philip H


Mark said...

It's a wonder anyone volunteers to defend Great Britain these days.

Murray said...


Carl H said...

From across the pond, I tip my hat to the Gurkhas. Well done, gents.

And I spill my ashtray on 'those responsible'.

Mike the Marine said...

To my mind, when you say "Gurkha," you say "warrior." God bless those men, and may life take a giant and unforgiving dump on the bastards who drug them to court in the first place.