
Sunday 13 July 2008

NozzleRage: Attack of the Pump


  1. Funny vid, but it seems that the folks distributing it are pushing the hybrid car agenda a little too much for my taste. putting the onus on drivers to change is shortsighted and only a small part of the larger picture.

    From a link of a website featured at

    Domestic resource utilization: The United States is no longer rich in oil or natural gas. It has, however, a wealth of other energy sources from which transportation fuel can be safely, affordably and cleanly generated. Among them: hundreds of years worth of coal reserves, 25% of the world's total (especially promising with Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle technologies); billions of tons a year of biomass, and further billions of tons of agricultural and municipal waste. Vehicles that meet consumer needs (e.g., "plug-in" hybrids), can also tap America's electrical grid to supply energy for transportation, making more efficient use of such clean sources of electricity as solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric and nuclear power.

  2. finally someones who gets it. Gets the joke. The joke on me.
