
Sunday 13 July 2008

Could this be the answer to Britains street crime problems?....


  1. Anonymous11:22

    my god do we need some discipline in this country!
    Our penal system should be the same as it is in the US, march the guilty bastard to jail and make them suffer, no tv, playstation, drugs, pay, rights-let the criminals be treated as such, bring back punishment in schools, cane/slipper and then these little thugs roaming our streets would think twice before attacking innocent people. Bring back respect, discipline and a sense of honour /pride in yourself, your family, friends and queen and country.
    Punish and embarrass the toerags and let the man in the street get on with life!

  2. Anonymous13:46

    I WISH our penal system was as tough as your comments have told. It would be soooo much safer, and way less worry from our toerags here and a lot more easer to get on with life.

  3. Anonymous15:17

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the MAN! If all law enforcement did their job like him, we would have MUCH LESS crime!!!!!
    Yes, anon 1, I wish ALL U.S. lawmen were as tough as Sheriff Joe, fact is, he is the only one I know of here in the USA.
    Check out his snopes page, He runs a prison like it should be run!!!

  4. We had a cop in NZ who had taggers wear pink fluro vests while they cleaned off their drek.

    The elfties whinged that it violated their rights and offended gays.

    Apparently gays "own" pink.

    Not sure how former panzer corps guys would feel about that but its a PC world.

  5. Anonymous04:21

    ANON 1 here:
    That is the Sheriff and the ONLY Sheriff that has done this to his charges. He makes it a whole lot of NO FUN WHAT SO EVER, for intentionally breaking the law, no mistakes at any time the toerags are doing it. Too, bad this kind of idea will NEVER happen in California, where the fruits and nuts in Sacramento belive that everyone in California is their personal sacrafical lamb for what ever they come up with at what ever time they come up with it. AND that is no Barbra Streisand.

  6. Sheriff Joe is my hero. I think that some others in his sort of position are beginning to figure out that his methods work. Thank goodness.
