
Friday 13 June 2008

The Bugger Brown campaign starts here.....

...David Davis may have just scored an own goal, we will see. Once again the megalomaniac that is Murdoch via his lapdog Kelvin MacKenzie seems to be sticking his dick into matters that don't concern him. If he wants to control the British media and the associated politics he had better get a UK passport. We are tired of his bullshit. So Rupert me old chum, get UK citizenship or f**k off. I support full unlimited detention of terrorist suspects but this government will use the 42 days against the population in general and that is not on. Methinks that Gordon Brown is taking his ideas from Mugabe who he seems to support 'cos he is doing SFA to help the Zimbabweans. There again Dubya could do himself some good by taking action against Mugabe, the agro his 'diplomats' got last week is the perfect excuse to do something. While the Foreign Office and State Department continue to look up their own backsides nothing will ever happen.


Unknown said...

Hear, hear Theo...

If Murdoch and his ilk want to run the country they should stand for election.

If you want to own a British newspaper or TV station you should hold a British passport and pay British income tax.

Baht At said...

at last a blogger with the sense to realise that once the Sun weighs in poor old David is a dead duck.

Anonymous said...

There is only one problem with the Title Bugger Brown from what a lot of people say about him he would enjoy that! The Downing Street Pink Mafia and all that!