
Monday, 5 May 2008

If you don't like opinions, here are some facts.......

...bloody well said.

H/T Falco


Anonymous said...

Here Here!! Fuck Islam and all the dont upset the Muslims the sooner we consine them to where they want to live ie the dark ages the better
for the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - what he said.

Zundfolge said...

I highly recommend that folk read the Qur'an and see exactly what it is we're up against.

Robert Spencer is doing a wonderful job of going through it a Sura at a time on his site
(start at the bottom and work your way up).

I have yet to meet a leftist apologist for Islam that has actually read the darn thing.

Uriah said...


They all claim to have read it but I actually have because it was required when I was in school in the ME. Trust me when I say that Spencer knows of what he speaks. As a Westerner, if you can read it and not be horrified by it, you are completely and thoroughly mad.

Anonymous said...

I describe myself as a lapsed agnostic but will defend a persons right to their Religion but not Islam all they want is to turn the whole world muslim and those that wont convert "kill" they have no time for other religions and therefore i have no time for them and if nessecary for the good of the rest of the world they should be wiped of the face of the world.

Anonymous said...

"A" freakin' "men"

I know the side I'm on.... Easy one to pick......

Anonymous said...

In regards to what this Spencer is spouting off about, I think the gist of the argument is incorrect: instead of focusing on what Islam said/didn’t say, he should focus on his own obvious condition, something akin to Asperger’s Syndrome.

With Spencer's well documented quandary with truth and reality, over time, his obvious disgust towards existence (check his facial expression!) forces him into near-insanity and self-hatred. He embodies Sartre's theories of existential angst, and he searches anxiously for significance in all the things that had filled and fulfilled his sorry life up to that point, excluding his convalescence and subsequent prison rape. But finally he comes to a revelation into the temperament of his being - the troublesomely provisional and limited nature of existence itself, and on top of that his notorious attention deficit and temper!

In his sacred and solemn oath to kiss the ass of Boosh and any of his criminally morality-deficient lackeys, he accepts, yea revels, in the indifference of the physical world to man's aspirations. He is barely able to see that realization not only as a regret but also as an opportunity, just like Boosh and pin-dick Cheney. People are free to make their own meaning: a freedom that is also a responsibility, because without that commitment there will be no meaning, not that that ever bothered anybody in the current admin in the least.

Spencer is just one of many examples of people whose behavior shows bad faith, who are inauthentic: members of the bourgeoisie who believe their social standing or social skills give them a "right" to exist, or others who embrace the banality of life and attempt to flee from freedom by repeating empty gestures, others who live by perpetuating past versions of themselves as they were or who live for the expectations of others, or those who claim to have found meaning in politics, morality, or ideology.

Anonymous said...

Carl Gordon, you are a long winded "complexifier."

Your denial of Islamic culture, writings, and history is laughable.
Since the death of Mohamed around 632, Islam has ravaged the world.

Your pseudo-Freudian interpretaion of Robert Spencer is weak.
You are demonstrative of the long-winded say nothings who beleive they are smart because they can exhaust people.

Anonymous said...

"his notorious attention deficit and temper!"

Thats a temper? Carl where you born in a Valium factory or something?

I don't think he could have been more of a gentleman dealing with some of the insanities, reasonable people are expected to tolerate.

Uriah said...

This "Carl Gordon" character has been using cut and paste to drop this comment all over the web with slight modifications for names, etc. He lifted it intact from a plot summary of "Nausea" by Jean-Paul Sartre. He seems to be trying to create something akin to the boy bombers in the Mid-West who wanted to make a smilie face on the map.

Electro-Kevin said...

The man is right but I think our strategy is all wrong.

The real war is WITHIN our borders and on this the Muslims are winning.

- out-breeding us
- restricting our freedoms by means of politically correct politicians and lawyers
- procuring for themselves special legal protection
- making the police shit scared of them ...

I could go on. Using military hardware against them will have little effect - they love death, there are millions of them.

Please disregard my email, Theo. I was really pissed when I wrote it and it's taken me two days to get through all the cyberspace wreckage I've created.

Hobgoblin and Spitfire ... followed by a dram or ten - lethal !

Anonymous said...

"You are either with us or against us." - George Bush

There is a statement that is simplistic, primitive, brutal, and true.

Anonymous said...

Bloody well said and bloody well about time.

Anonymous said...

Can we have some more tits and stockings please???

Anonymous said...

Bravo. Could not have said it any better. Well done, sir.

Anonymous said...

Hold on a second, the man is correct! but hold on a second even if he is then I thought we couldn't tell the truth in case it upsets Muslims. Oh I'm confused now do we pretend he is not telling the truth call him a neo nazi like what all of them mobs say when they don't like what someone is saying.
Oy you are neo nazi! there that feels better now everything is back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Carl Gordon wrote:

members of the bourgeoisie who believe their social standing or social skills give them a "right" to exist

How silly of us to think we had a right to exist!

Sorry Carl, if you want us to lay down and die for you, you need to come up with something better than this pathetic pseudo-intellectual Marxist drivel.

He embodies Sartre's theories of existential angst

Are you serious? Have you been playing with the postmodernist generator again?

Anonymous said...

Who is this young gentleman?

I whole heartily agree with him, and regret that I'll likely never be able to buy him a beer.

Eric said...

Well said. I just wish I could get the embed code. (hint, hint!)

Theo Spark said...

Here you are Eric