
Friday, 18 April 2008

Theo's movie review of 'Meet the Spartans'....'s so crap it's brilliant. Tomorrow I will be reviewing 'I am Legend', starring Will Smith. Ok so I am a bit behind the times but WTF.


kingmagic said...

Talking about reviewing films...have you seen "No country for old men"?

I read all the write ups and reviews etc which said it was the best thing since oxygen was invented.

Well I sat and watched it...what was the point of Tommy Lee Jones? A crap role in a crap film with an even crapper ending!

And there you have it...!

A crap film!

Anonymous said...

Suddenly, I'm hungry for pizza.......

Jane Llewellyn said...

There was a character 'Llewellyn'.. somebody or other, that I quite liked in Country of Old Men. Otherwise, I have to agree - total crap.

Daisy said...

i liked most of i am legend...there were a few things i thought could have been done differently but for the most part i did enjoy it...havent seen country of old men yet...

Anonymous said...

"Some like it Hot" - now there's an excellent film

Uriah said...

The only criticism(much to my surprise) I have of "I Am Legend" was the use of CGI when it really wasn't warranted. Several scenes could have been done in live action and looked better. Not really sure that the night-walkers or whatever they were called needed to be so alien.