
Saturday, 26 April 2008


Dimbleby accused of Question Time bullying and bias against Boris. He has been biased for a long while.

Now prison offices say call girls are smuggled in and they admit some jails have 'no go areas'. Lock the prisoners up 24 hours a day and only give them bread and water.

Three bitten by rabid dog. Well if you will get too close to Cherie!

Real reason Syrian base was wiped off the map. Great strike.

Zimbabwe forces arrest hundreds in MDC raids. And so it continues.

'Vulgar' cheerleaders face ban in India. They are more than welcome over here.

James May: Small is beautiful.

Terror suspect who won court battle is named as a ‘top al-Qaeda agent’. Stop messing about and shoot the bastard.

UN move on Robert Mugabe as police raid MDC. And a fat lot of good it will do.

Luck of the Irish saved Afghan patrol. A good result.

Spain's military banned from websites showing models or giving sports results. The spanish have a military!!!!

Do not fight Iraqi forces, Hojetoleslam Moqtada al-Sadr tells followers. That won't save his ass.

Rory-friendly guide to invisible Cabinet. Clarkypoos on the cabinet. V funny.

Ignore the end of the world. Clarkypoos on the climate.

Beckham jersey leads to legal threats... between kids? A clip round the ear should solve this.


Anonymous said...

There is a process going on throughout Europe.

Italy's socialist were kicked out and no Communist or Green hods a seat in Parliament.

Britain will soon purge themselves of Labour.

Spain needs time to feel the consequences of a socialist government.

Anonymous said...

If the UK has the evidence on G, why doesn't the government throw him in prison?