
Saturday, 19 April 2008


Der Stink: Germany to blame for terrible smell engulfing England blown in by freak weather. Donner und shitzen!!

Ministers are hiding the true cost of the Olympic Games, says Commons watchdog (and it's likely to be £9.3bn) Make that 40 billion.

Olympics 2

Fit enough to play basketball ... the Iraqi boy paid £2m by the MoD for being paralysed by a stray British bullet. Another total balls up by the MOD.

Guantanamo eight to sue MI5 and MI6 over 'illegal abduction and interrogation'. Send them back to Gitmo.

Mugabe regime ordered 77 tonnes of Chinese arms three days AFTER disputed elections. Someone sink the ship.

Financial crisis forces Britons into austerity. The prices of stuff have gone ballistic.

Robert Mugabe 'mobilising command centres for national terror campaign' Someone had better put our Airborne Guys on 24 hour stand by.

Coroner blames MoD again over troops' deaths. Heads must start to roll.

Enoch Powell: the Great Lie survives. Heffer on the 'Rivers of Blood.'

The death of common sense - it's time we all fought back. John Humphreys making sense for once.

James May: Vanity of vanities. Why do we want to drive beautiful cars?

Eight days of fear in Mugabe's machine. It will get worse.

Britain's 16 Air Assault Brigade takes aim at hearts and minds - but the guns are muted. Hearts and Minds will not work in Afghanistan, it didn't in Iraq.


Electro-Kevin said...

Austerity will do Britain good.

Now people will HAVE to bring politicians to account rather than buy their way out of emotional despair.

Anonymous said...

thank god zimbabwe doesnt have oil

Nota reargunner said...

Der Stink: Germany to blame for terrible smell engulfing England blown in by freak weather. Donner und shitzen!!
Yes Theo! They are using the Neu Luft Wafter>

Anonymous said...

Bit confused why you are so keen on sending UK forces to Zimbarbwe, the country has been independant since the early 1980's (arguably 1966)what's it got to do with us?

Uriah said...

"Hearts and Minds" only works after "Balls", as in, grab 'em by the balls and the rest will follow.

Brian said...

Couldn't they have got Konnie Huq to help unload the Chinese arms ship?

Anonymous said...

anony zimbabwe was known as the bread basket of africa,run by white efficient farmers?
did you know that big bob mugabe has his roots in yorkhire?
EBAGUM chuck thee kno fuk hole

Nota reargunner said...

For the uninitiated 11th November 1966, Rhodesian Independence Day.
So when Blackpool had a choir singing Kum Bai Yar at Remembrance Day last year, it brought tears to we Rhodesian eyes. They cannot remember 'Pack up your Troubles' and stick them up the politically correctness societies backside.