
Saturday, 5 April 2008

Fedex - Cast Away Commercial

H/T Ted Foster


Anonymous said...

Theo just got sorry this video is no longer available

Theo Spark said...

works fine for me

William Gruff said...

And me.

The film is excellent and Wilson a good second lead to a superb performance by Tom Hanks, and the customer in the video is just about typical, as anyone who has ever worked in customer service will know (Oh sorry, I thought you meant ignore my instructions and reformat your hard drive when you said do not touch anything while the firmware upgrade is in progress, now get me your complaints desk).

Anonymous said...

Dear Theo,

I love this blog and I thank you so much for daily thought and entertainment.

I couldn't access the videos until you cut the size of the loading page a few months ago. Suddenly, I could access everything but, sadly, now the videos don't appear again.



Theo Spark said...

Paul. I think the problem is with You-Tube which has a habit of coming and going. Sorry you are having problems.

Anonymous said...

Theo, It seems that you may well be correct. The videos appeared this morning!
