
Monday, 28 April 2008

Battle of the Bacon Dogs.......WTF!!!

I have got to have one.

H/T Nebraska Bob


Anonymous said...

I am appalled...not by the bacon, but by the ubiquity of the health-fascist pigs, the example shown in the clip exuding more we-know-what's-good-for-you than there's fat in a bacon rasher. Such patronizing idiots should be wrapped in a rasher & grilled, slowly...terrible, terrible, terrible!

Anonymous said...

They'll get my bacon dog when they pry it from my cold, dead, greasy, chubby fingers.

James R. Rummel said...

I have got to have one.

You mean you don't have anything like this in England?

How far the British Empire has fallen!


Anonymous said...

permex: You nailed it. That was the whole point of the video.

starconqueror said...

As the Immortal Duke stated "I got a touch of Hangover Burecrat don't push me." I'd like to shove one of them dogs in that one health freaks ear and pull it out the other.

Anonymous said...

L.A. has it easy. Try living here in NYC with the little fascist Michael Bloomberg in charge.