
Thursday, 13 March 2008

Tuscan Tony: This Buds for you!!!!

You can visit with Tony HERE

Coleslaw Wrestling....only in America!!


Anonymous said...

I dont think they have been Drinking Bud Light!

Anonymous said...

theo your toty standards have slipped

Anonymous said...

Visit with ? Visit with ?
What happened to English ? Do you also talk WITH people ?
Stop encouraging this colonial bastardisation of the Queen's english.

Anonymous said...

I see a keg of Bud in there.

Tuscan Tony said...

Like 'em big, Theo, but not with the orange peel, if at all possible. Thanks for the thought though. I think!

duke said...

david g,

Speaking to an American: "Don't you know the Queen's english?"

The reply: "I always thought she was!"