
Thursday, 13 March 2008


Alistair Darling's strike against the family motorist. Labour hate families there again we all hate Labour and they will soon be history.

Reformers purged as Iranians go to polls. Someone needs to put a match to their oil refineries. Let's see how long the Mullahs last when the people have no petrol.

Tiger numbers have halved in last 25 years. I blame the Chinese.

Tibet's anti-China protest monks gassed. Bloody Chinese again.

Woman stuck after two years on toilet. What was she reading? War and Peace!!

Magna Carta what? English charter 'a mystery to 45pc of population'. The Government would rather we did not know our historic rights. Actually I have read the thing and it's still a bloody mystery.

Prostitute behind Spitzer sex scandal revealed. I wonder if she does 'charity work'.

German officers guilty of abusing recruits. The Taleban are safe from the Germans but not their own troops.

Bombed cadet has blindness payout halved - because he had already lost an eye to cancer. Time for the Whitehall pricks in grey suits to take a holiday, permanently.


Anonymous said...

I don't reckon Kirsten would regard you as a charity case Theo ;))

Anonymous said...

in five years time they'll be new new labour

Anonymous said...

A challenge Theo.....Totty style pictures of Kirsten??