
Friday, 7 March 2008

Light news...

Hillary Clinton may get her way on Florida vote. Just practising for November.

French women 'are the sexual predators now'. Road trip!!!

Battle for the £4 million sea fortress. My perfect home.

All UK citizens in ID database by 2017 Wanna bet!

Barack Obama 'will repair image of US in UK'. There is nothing wrong with the US in my house! Who the f**k is Samantha Power and what does she know about the English. Stupid tart.


Anonymous said...

You cant grow yr spuds on No Mans Land Fort Theo. It's a right mess. You'd have great views of the ships though, as we enter and leave harbour. Right in the mouth of Portsmouth Hbr, stunning views.

JorgXMcKie said...

Samantha Powers is a Harvard professor who immigrated to the US from Ireland when she was nine. Does that help?

Anonymous said...

Samantha has now also had to quit the Obama campaign, for describing Hillary Clinton as "a monster".

So she's not ALL bad...