Wednesday 6 February 2008

What is this and does it exist?


Anonymous said...

The closest thing to it that exists is the X-43A.

Anonymous said...

It is the replacement for the SR-71. A hypersonic plane with a ceiling of 200,000 feet. Mach 4 capable. Supposedly operational in 1995

Anonymous said...

called the Aurora, BTW.

Anonymous said...

It's a really shitty 3D render and composite.

steveH said...

Aurora actually flies...for CanFor. It's their name for the P-3 Orion maritime recon turboprop.

The image in question is of some notional SCRAMjet airbreather that might follow after the X-43 some day in the future.

Anonymous said...

History Channel said last night that the Aurora flies 2000 MPH

Barnsley Bill said...

Is it one of those new dyson fly catchers?

Anonymous said...

SSSSSHH! The NSA and GCHQ are watching you, it 'does not exist'.

Anonymous said...

we could tell you what it is, but then we'd have to kill you...