Thursday 7 February 2008

Thought for the Day....

As we are now using Genetics to provide food, combat diseases and control pests, how long is it before someone develops a Genetic weapon. We are looking at a virus that will only kill people of a Chinese disposition or short people or even blondes!!! I bet somewhere in a 'government lab' someone is working on something like this. Let's just hope it is us doing the research!!! free polls
Genetic Weapons: Will they be developed?
Yes No   


Tuscan Tony said...

I'd be prepared to bet one is already developed. The issue with such technology is that someone could easily break into the lab overnight and nudge the direction its aiming a little - to give a random example, to take out all Northeast Norfolk bloggers.

JorgXMcKie said...

Robert A Heinlein wrote a novel called 'Sixth Column' in around 1950 about a world in which the Chines (maybe Chinese Communists, I forget) had pretty much taken over the world. Six American scientists in a hidden lab developed a 'ray' that operated only on Asiatics. Basically, it was a genetic weapon.

Today, it might be possible to develop, say, a retro-virus that attached something nasty to the gene for the epicanthic fold found basically only among Asiatics.