Saturday 16 February 2008

Pick your favorite Caption below to this picture.

1."Why did I marry her? Why didn't I just put a loaded gun in my mouth? Why God, Why?"

2."Holy crap, look at that rear end. Somewhere, a semi-truck?is missing its 'Oversized Load' sign."

3."Somewhere, there's two fat girls naked in a hot tub and I'm stuck here listening to her jabber on about health care."

4. "Sheesh, Rush is soo right - She does sound like Nurse Ratched!"

5. "My God, does that woman never shut up?"

6. "Wow!!? I could'a had a V8!!"

7. "I wonder if Monica still has the same phone number."

8. "I wonder of the 22nd Amendment is consitutional.."

H/T Shelly


Anonymous said...

9. "I forgot to get my cigar out."

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an ass!

Cargosquid said...

Doesn't this woman EVER shut the f@@k up?

Damn, that girl in the front row is fine...

Damn. I should have let her shoot me when she found out about the women. This is crap is so not worth it...

Maybe I can get an ambassadorship in Thailand. That would be worth this...

I could have had the Secret Service do her. Damn, why didn't I think of that, then......

All those years and she didn't learn a damn thing. I CANNOT believe that she's losing to that idiot Obama...

Serr8d said...

Wow...what a Whopper...

richard mcenroe said...

"Andrew Jackson was divorced and he got into the White House, but noooooo, the one time I hadda be Mr. Nice Guy..."