Thursday 7 February 2008


Bloated, spineless EU is blind to danger from Islamo-Nazis. I think this nails it on the head!!!

Britain's benefits generation: State handouts now a 'way of life for six million'. Time to stop the scroungers!!!

Thousands of gypsy children brought to Britain to work as pickpockets, warns MP. Just how hard is it to secure a bloody island?

'Greedy' banks push up mortgage rates. Once again our economy is put at risk by greedy bloody bankers. I hate them!!

Warren Buffett blames banks for meltdown. The banks should be held accountable for any damage they cause to the economy. Let's start by pegging mortgage, credit-card and overdraft rates at 2% above base.

I was beaten in Zimbabwe, says Simon Mann. Mugabe needs a good beating followed by a lynching!!

Nato members likely to ignore pleas to share burden in Afghanistan. Those members not prepared to pull their weight should be booted out of NATO and new members who are prepared to fight allowed in.

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