Wednesday 6 February 2008


Army runs out of machine guns. Some heads in the MOD and Government need to roll for this. I wish the Army would run out of patience and overthrow the government.

Remember this.....

Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban in order to get them to switch sides. Ok. Which effing idiot dreamt this up. Only a civil Servant can display this level of stupidity.

'Don't mention Islamic extremists': Government phrasebook tries to avoid upsetting Muslims. So calling them Murdering Islamic Scum is a no no!!

Labour to strip rural voters of their right to stop green belt destruction. It is time the armed forces and us rural types combined to take down this Government.

BBC apologises for 'offensive' Gardeners' Question Time debate about plant called 'black man's willy'. Only in Britain!

The V2 kindergarten: British fury as Germans name school after maker of WWII terror rocket. Is this where we all start singing 'Ten German Bombers' again.

Police farce: Damming report finds officers lose SIX MILLION hours a year to red tape. And another 5 million hours are spent eating donuts and practising the art of onanism!!

Fears over Russian nuclear threat to UK. Right now we have bigger problems that Putin's willy waving!!

Air gun teacher told she can work again. Someone send her an AR15 or an AA12. I think a Barratt would be to big for her!!!!

Simba Makoni to stand against Robert Mugabe. I don't see Mugabe lasting much longer. Pity someone hasn't linched the bastard!!

Taleban warlord Baitullah Mahsud is new public enemy No1. We are not going to win this unless we hrow away the rule book! We will eventually have to nuke them! Can anyone dream up a virus that only kills people of cerain races and tribes? I bet someone somewhere is already working on Genetic Weapons. Let's hope it is our side.

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