
Sunday, 13 January 2008

The Growing Storm....

Bush warns of dangers from Iran. I my opinion we have to act before the end of August. Once the US elections get going proper in Sept it will probably be too late. Dubya cannot afford (God forbid) to leave this problem in the hands of a Democrat. Neither Obama or Hillary can be trusted with foreign policy and the fate of the west may hinge on how soon Iran is confronted and taken down. If the Chinese and Russians get in the way, and they will, tough. Putin is a corrupt little bully-boy and the Chinese have growing dissent amongst the rural poor so let's stir things up for them at home. That is assuming that our various 'intelligence' agencies can find Russia and China on a map!! If we do nothing then it's.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key question is - should the U.S. attack Iran this year. If we don't, it will probably be too late. Israel may attack first, out of sheer survival instincts.